Tales of the Thousand and One Shades of Alanis, the Goddess (part 5)

Tales of the Thousand and One Shades of Alanis, the Goddess (part 5)


Dog finishes telling the story. He is exhausted, completely out of breath. Not only did he has to sing the song of Goddess Alanis’ huntings and cruel man-handlings through the centuries, no, he also has to serve as a table while doing this. He isn’t allowed to move a muscle while singing the gruesome story to Goddess Alanis and her guests, Princess Daphne and Countess Diana. The three She-Devils eat fruit and cake directly from his back, they laugh and make jokes, and more than once they dig their claws deep in his flesh.

“It is so funny”, the blonde demon Daphne laughs, “but I have not the slightest memory of what happened to my british boy, after we caught them in Romania!”

“Oh, I know what I did to my boy!” the tattoed amazon Diana exclaims. “I think I nailed what was left of him to the ceiling of my bedroom. Yet, he was dripping blood very slowly from thousand open cuts. The wounds do never close, of course. And every night I look up at him and smile, and he has to look down to me with his tormented eyes, while I enjoy his blood. I wonder what his thoughts might be.”

Alanis and Diana laugh loud.

“Does he never complain?” asks Daphne without any curiosity, because she knows the answer.

“Of course not”, Diana states with a mock smile, “I bit off his tongue first thing after arrival at home and chewed on it in front of his battered eyes.”


A slight tremble of the human table.

“Your table is shivering, Alanis”, Diana sighs.

“I will punish him later,” Goddess Alanis says, and Dog knows what that means.

“You are too soft to your slaves”, Daphne sighs. “I will teach him manners, if you allow?”

“What do you have in mind, sister?” Alanis asks.

“Well, first I will suck on him for a while, drink his lifeblood”, Daphne says and licks her lips. She is already bowing down to his neck, her sharp teeth touch his skin…

“Stop, sister!”

Daphne stops in the tracks. She looks to Alanis, the redhaired Witch Queen Demoness, Commander of the Order of Divines.

“You may torture him any way you like”, she states authoritatively. “But he is my creature, and mine alone. So I am the only Divine Being who feeds from him.”

Daphne gives a sound of disappointment, but she accepts the dictum of her Queen. Instead, she drills her claws deep in Dog’s flesh…

While Dog screams in pain – without trembling too much, so he still can serve as table -, Alanis explains, how her special poison infiltrates the brain of her Dog, while she is drinking from him, and how she thereby fills his brain and nerves with her own memories – so he can write and remember all the adventures of Alanis as if they were his own… except that he has to suffer terribly by writing and telling them…

Alanis rises – and immediatly Daphne backs up and sits down again on her chair (another immobilized male creature, by the way).

Alanis moves her angelic-devilish face close to Dog’s face, he feels her sweet breath, her red hair strives his cheek like flames, she opens her lips, he sees her white, terribly long and sharp predator teeth ––

–– and now these teeth sink deep deep deep in his neck, in his flesh, pierce his veins… The man, who once was called Marc and who has become Dog of Alanis, feels the teeth and tongue of his owner deep inside of him, it feels as if she is ripping him apart completely… She sucks his blood… and at the same time she fills him with her devilish poison…

Dog struggles…

Alanis moves back one inch. She licks the blood from her teeth, and whispers in his ears:

“Tell them what you see…”

Dog whispers with croaking voice:

“I see… I see… Light … the sun… trees… a garden … Paradise… I see”

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